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Fast Flamer

One of the new units from the Bolt Action “Italy : Soft Underbelly” Campaign book that has attracted a fair bit of attention is Popski’s Private Army Flamethrower Jeep. Based on a ¼ ton willy jeep, the Flame Thrower Jeep was developed as a prototype, and there is no record of it actually seeing action, but there is always room in BA for a bit of 'what if'.

The Jeep actually mounted the same flame unit as the Wasp carrier, but the Jeep was a lot smaller than the Wasp so it was packed full of fuel and propellent cylinders and was festooned with fuel jerry cans as well. The rules for this unit make it the equivalent of an infantry flamethrower – 6” range, D6 hits. It is available in several platoon lists outlined on page 105 of the Soft Underbelly book.

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