About two years ago, French digital designer ludocortorum did a French 'Kickstarter' for a range of French French minis and vehicles. This was a great range, but only physical prints were offered at the time. ludocortorum has now released the stls for this range for purchase. Although I got a number of the prints I will be investing in these lovely digital files. The full range covers:
Free French Dodge Tanake
Dodge 3ton 4X2 MCP truck
Morris C8 “Derviche” (light AT armed)
Hotchkiss 13.2mm AA quad mount
Canon de 75mm
French Universal Carrier with SA34 gun (light AT)
Free French squad
Hotchkiss 8mm MMG
81mm Brandt Medium mortar team
Officer Team
Bren LMG team
This range is suitable for Western Desert operations from 1941 to 1943 and is scaled at 1/50.