After concluding another successful WW2 Kickstarter, Wargame3d has made the files available for individual purchase. The KS was a bit of a mixed bag, with models for transports, guns and some armour. The range of released stls includes:
Carden-Lloyd MKIV tankette
Soviet F22 76mm field gun
3-ton bedford truck
Italian 65mm L17 mountain gun
Sdkfz9 famo half track
Studebaker 6x6 truck
Sdkfz4 panzerwefer
Sdkfz3 opel
Sdkfz3 ambulence
Scammell Tank transporter
Artillerie Schlepper VA 601 (B)
Wargame 3D models come with
Pre-supported options
Holes for magnets in turrets
Pre-hollowed option
Open hatches option
Option to print tracks separately or attached to hull