M3 Grant/Lee seems to be the flavour of the month. Hot on the heels of NSM showing off their forthcoming M3 model, Arvernes Miniatures has released files for the M3 Lee and M3 Grant. The M3 Lee were produced by the US and was equipped with a 37mm gun in the turret and a 75mm gun in the hull.It has 4 machine guns, one coaxial, one in the turret and two in the hull. The M3 Grant was a modified version of the Lee designed for the UK. It had the same main armament as the Lee, but had three machine removed with only the the coaxial remaining. In addition to the Lee and Grant Arvernes has also released a model for the Grant Canal Defense Light. The CDL had its turret replaced by a powerful spotlight. The 75mm cannon was retained, but the 37mm gun was removed and replaced by a dummy gun. A few of these tanks were used on the banks of the Rhine to prevent German saboteurs from blowing up bridges.
Lots of Lees