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Lots of Lovely Lorraines

Richard.Humble seems to have gone a bit Lorraine mad - releasing 13 files for the French Lorraine armoured carrier. The Lorraine 37L was a tracked armoured vehicle developed by the Lorraine company during the interwar period to meet a French Army requirement for a fully armoured munition and fuel supply carrier for tank units. The original Lorraine was soon joined by the 38L, which was a development of the 37L, adding a trailer to create a tracked APC for 10 men. These were used by the French Army in large numbers - many of which were captured and used by German forces following the occupation. The Germans had so many Lorraine's that they used them as the basis for many conversions. Some of the best known conversions were done by Alfred Becker for the 21st Panzer Division. But there were so many Lorraine hulls available that the Free French also used and converted them. Reflecting this diversity Richard.Humble has released files in 28mm for a large range of the variants including the:

  • Lorraine 37L

  • Lorraine 38L APC

  • Lorraine 39L prototypes

  • Lorraine Schlepper prototype with Aufklaererkanone 7B

  • Lorraine Schlepper with Panzer 1 turret

  • Lorraine Schlepper Wurframen 40

  • Free French Lorraine 37L 17pdr prototype

  • 7.5 cm PaK 40 auf Sfl. Lorraine Schlepper ‘Marder I’ (Sd.Kfz.135)

  • 12.2 cm FK(r) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)

  • 105mm leFH-18/40 auf Geschuetzwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)

  • 15 cm sFH 13/1 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)

  • Free French Lorraines

  • Lorraine Schlepper Beobachtungswagen

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