Wargame3D has started to release the files from their latest Italian Vehicle kickstarter for individual sale. The range includes
Fiat-SPA AS42
Fiat-SPA AS43
Autocannone da 90/53 su Lancia 3Ro
Breda 20/65 Modello
Cannone 75/39 medium anti-tank gun
Carro Armato Leggero L6/40 + Flamethrower
Carro Armato M11/39
Fiat 3000
Carro Armato M14/41
Carro Armato M15/42
Lancia 3Ro (Ro-Ro)
Semovente M43 da 105/25
Semovente M42M da 75/34
Semovente L40 da 47/32
This range is very timely with the release of the Italian Campaign Tough Gut book. The models also include:
Pre-supported option
Holes for magnets in turrets
Pre-hollowed option
Open hatches option
Option to print tracks separately or attached to hull